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Neetish Sarda founded the managed workspace platform with the goal of making it India’s leading provider of contemporary customized office spaces. He has extensive commercial expertise spanning from jute mills and company operations to real estate and construction. Thus, having a treasure of business ideas, he is one of the most successful young entrepreneurs in the country. Further mentioned are some business tips for tremendous growth.

According to Neetish Sarda, working-from-home freelancers could be suffering from isolation and lack of socialization, which impacts their business as well. The only positive thing about working from home is that they do not need to commute daily, but it doesn’t help in prospering business. Hence, the drawbacks of working from home outweigh the benefits, to a large degree. So, freelancers should move to flex office spaces for better ideas and gather with various business experts to gain more knowledge about the fields in order to grow.

Working professionals spend a significant portion of their days in workplaces. In a connected world, employers want employees to answer in real time, even if they are not in the office. It’s no surprise that a nine-hour workday is a thing of the past. Even when people work longer hours, they are becoming more concerned about their health and the environment. The stress of long working hours and after-hours office work may exacerbate the issues. Employees want employment that provides a perfect balance of work and life to deal with the eroding borders between the two.

In Neetish’s perception, that is where flex office spaces become an attractive choice for employees in the digital era. It’s a good fit since businesses don’t have time to think about the perfect work environment. The concept of flex office space involves much more than just ensuring that the responsibility of real estate is taken care of by a third party with the flexibility to increase or reduce workstations as needed. It’s like giving both work and life a boost. Employees who are happier are more likely to respond to office alerts even when they are not at work, whether it is answering mail, or messages, or responding to an emergency.

Companies that are attentive to analyzing and providing for their employees’ job and life needs will find it easier to motivate them to do so. They also talk about the other crucial benefits of flex office spaces, such that the lower cost of organizing the office space and the professionals under one roof can enhance the success of the business by sharing great business ideas. Furthermore, Neetish always says that one should never lose hope and try to do even better than last time.

That’s why he surpassed through the current COVID pandemic situation, not only maintaining his success but also accelerating it.